Braunschweiger strasse 58, Berlin, Germany

You table has been booked

My Project

In the last year of my Bachelor program at EMLyon Business School and as a Creative Technologist Student, I am trying to get a better understanding of how works databases:
What are they useful for?
How to use them?
For that In the context of our "Designing with Web" course we have the opportunity to explore and then experiment (by prototyping, testing, designing and sharing) differents concepts through the project of our choice.
Mine is the following:
Passionate by art and design, enjoying an epicurian lifestyle anf having an undeniable desire of entrepreneurship. I decided through this exercise to combine the pleasant and the useful.
Hence, taking my personal professional project as the theme of this assignment.
O.A.K would be a brunch place restaurant based in Berlin, in need of a better booking management system
The main purpose of its porject would be to link the form you can see just above to a database,in order for the manager to proprely manage the booking of O.A.K.

In this context we are going to use Firebase, which provides a realtime database and backend as a service and will allows us to send and retrieve date from our client side.

Get Started

Once the form created, we need to create a JavaScript File. And to link this file to our Html page (right above the body tag).
Then before linking our Firebase to this form, we will first make sure that we can submit the form and get the values.

In JavaScript : create a event listener
Then link our form to this JavaScript file, for that we will call the form y its ID in the following formula: document.getElementbyID('bookingform') and add an event listener .addEventListener('submit',submitForm).
So, we need now to create a fonction called "submitForm" to get value. And for that we need another function function getInputval(id) in order to identify those values.

Once able to get all of our input values, we will start to implement Firebase. Now that we get the actual value, we need to send them to firebase.

Using Firebase Realtime Database